Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free Essays on Bill George

William H. George Bio: Bill George speaks with the authority that comes from extraordinary business success. He built Medtronic- already a good company- into a great company whose stock returns outperformed the market by spectacular margins during his tenure as chairman and CEO. He helped grow the company from a market capitalization of $1.1 billion in 1989 to more than $60 billion. Quarterly returns rose steadily from 1993, peaking above 1000% in 2001. They have stayed above 750% since, defying the pressures that have degraded the value of so much of the market in the past couple of years and reflecting a legacy of strength that has continued at Medtronic since he retired as Chairman in 2002. Bill George’s message is that the key to success is authentic leadership. He describes how mission-driven and values-driven companies outperform those that are driven primarily by financial performance. Authentic leaders have a deep sense of purpose and are true to their core values. They are committed to building enduring organizations, they have the courage to build their companies to meet the needs of all their stakeholders, and they value service to society. Medtronic, the world’s leading medical technology company, is famous for its innovation and solid financial performance, and also for its commitment to integrity and community service. As a seasoned CEO, Bill George understands the pressures on CEOs to perform. He knows that leadership is a crucible in which character and values are tested to the utmost. He speaks from experience about the hard work that makes an authentic leader. George was selected as â€Å"Director of the Year – 2001-02† by the National Association of Corporate Directors, â€Å"Executive of the Year – 2001† by the Academy of Management, and â€Å"Legend in Leadership 2002† by Yale University. During the corporate governance crisis in 2002, George’s articles were published in Harvard Business R... Free Essays on Bill George Free Essays on Bill George William H. George Bio: Bill George speaks with the authority that comes from extraordinary business success. He built Medtronic- already a good company- into a great company whose stock returns outperformed the market by spectacular margins during his tenure as chairman and CEO. He helped grow the company from a market capitalization of $1.1 billion in 1989 to more than $60 billion. Quarterly returns rose steadily from 1993, peaking above 1000% in 2001. They have stayed above 750% since, defying the pressures that have degraded the value of so much of the market in the past couple of years and reflecting a legacy of strength that has continued at Medtronic since he retired as Chairman in 2002. Bill George’s message is that the key to success is authentic leadership. He describes how mission-driven and values-driven companies outperform those that are driven primarily by financial performance. Authentic leaders have a deep sense of purpose and are true to their core values. They are committed to building enduring organizations, they have the courage to build their companies to meet the needs of all their stakeholders, and they value service to society. Medtronic, the world’s leading medical technology company, is famous for its innovation and solid financial performance, and also for its commitment to integrity and community service. As a seasoned CEO, Bill George understands the pressures on CEOs to perform. He knows that leadership is a crucible in which character and values are tested to the utmost. He speaks from experience about the hard work that makes an authentic leader. George was selected as â€Å"Director of the Year – 2001-02† by the National Association of Corporate Directors, â€Å"Executive of the Year – 2001† by the Academy of Management, and â€Å"Legend in Leadership 2002† by Yale University. During the corporate governance crisis in 2002, George’s articles were published in Harvard Business R...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Building a Comprehensive School Discipline Referral Form

Building a Comprehensive School Discipline Referral Form A school discipline referral form is utilized in most school districts. Each district tailors the referral form to meet their particular needs. There are many important reasons that school districts require their teachers and administrators to utilize these forms. These include: Creating a paper trail to protect everyone involved.Gives the principal a starting point and foundation for gathering information relevant to the behavior infraction.Can help establish and document a pattern of student behavior.Guides the discipline process ensuring that every student sent the office on a discipline referral is being met with the same process.  Forces the teacher to evaluate what prior strategies they have implemented on their own to attempt to correct the behavior. Schools that do not use a school discipline referral form to document student behavior issues will likely have several obstacles should legal action be taken by a constituent of the district. Filling out and adhering to a school discipline referral form does take time. However, it is worth it as serves to protect everyone involved in the process. Categories Defined   Others Involved - None, Peers, Teacher, Staff, Sub, OtherPotential Witnesses - List all people who are not directly involved, but may have seen the incident.Nature of Incident - Excessive Talking, Unprepared for Class, Excessive Tardies, Inappropriate Language, Violation of Dress Code, Disrespect, Violation of School Bus Rules, Disorderly Conduct, Defacing Property, Truancy, Lying/Cheating, Uncooperative, Horseplay, Misuse of Electronic Device, Harassment, Bullying, Fighting/Assault, Vandalism, Violation of State Federal Laws, Violation of School Policy, OtherDescribe Incident - List a detailed description of the incident containing all of the known facts.Possible Motivation - Avoid Activity, Avoid Adult, Avoid Peers, Avoid Task, Obtain Peer Attention, Obtain Adult Attention, Obtain Activities, Obtain Items, Other, Dont KnowPrevious Classroom Discipline History of Student - Explain other behavior issues (related and unrelated) you have had with the student in the class.Previously Us ed Teacher Intervention Strategies - Counseling Referral, Parent Conference, Conference with Student, Seat Change, Detention, Loss of Privilege, Social Skills Instruction, Extra Assignment Students Statement - Provides the student with an opportunity to explain themselves and become a part of the process to find a solution.Consequences Assigned by Administrator - Class Removal, Campus Beautification, Counseling Referral, Alternative Placement, Loss of Privilege, Detention, Conference with Student, Mentoring, Conference with Parent, Out-of-School Suspension, In School Placement, ExpulsionFollow-Up Plan - Provides an opportunity to check up on the student, provide the resources, and a plan to support them in correcting the behavior. Sample School Discipline Referral Form Student Name: _____________________________________ Grade:_______________________ Referring Teacher: _________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/___   Time:____________ Location: ______________________________________ Others Involved: ________________________________________________________________ Potential Witnesses: _____________________________________________________________ Nature of Incident: ______________________________________________________________ Describe Incident:  Ã‚   ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Possible Motivation: ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Previous Classroom Discipline History of Student _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Previously Used Teacher Intervention Strategies (If applicable) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Administrators Report   Student’s Statement What rule did you violate? ___________________________________________________________ Why did you violate the rule? _________________________________________________________ Did you get what you wanted? ________________________________________________________ What is another alternative to get what you want? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Consequences Assigned by Administrator   _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Parent Notification Method   ______ Phone Call ______ In Office ______ Email ______ Letter ______ Other _____________ Referral to Other Services (If Necessary) ______ Discipline Review Team _______ Counseling _______ Local Authorities ______Other Follow up Plan   _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ Administrator Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____