Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What Does Aging Doesn t Affect Driving Ability Essay

Although many people believe that aging doesn’t affect driving ability, it does. Research demonstrates that there are many alternatives and solutions to keep people and the roads safe. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that, â€Å"while drivers age 60 and older are less likely that other drivers to be involved in collisions related to alcohol, speed, and nighttime driving, drivers age 70-79 have higher proportions of at-fault crashes† (Earley). Accidents involving older drivers are increasingly an issue as long as society fails to address the negative impact aging has on driving. Because the United States is overlooking the extent of fatalities of older people involved in crashes, federal and state governments should designate and enforce more resources for prevention, detection, alternative plans and encouragement of family member involvement—but ultimately the elderly should decide on their own when they should stop driving. Unquest ionably, the issue of dangerous older drivers needs to be addressed. This problem started in the past century because of the post-World War II baby boom, which was a significant increase in birth from 1946 to 1960 in the United States (Flaim). Besides, the last century was the first one with cars. With that generation of people aging, there are approximately â€Å"thirty-five million drivers over 65 years old, an increase of twenty percent since 2003† (Tugend). Furthermore, as people turn 75 and over 80 years old, theyShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Type II : Symptoms, Risk Factors, And Treatments3675 Words   |  15 PagesRunning Head: Diabetes Type II Diabetes Type II: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments Introduction There are three types of diabetes: type 1diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. All three are chronic conditions that affect how the body uses blood glucose or blood sugar. The body needs glucose because it is an important source of energy for the cells that make up an individual s muscles and tissues Individuals with diabetes have too much glucose in their blood,Read MoreHealthcare Coverage Is Not Affordable2696 Words   |  11 Pagesexpensiveness of the coverage. The expensiveness of the coverage can be attributed to quite a few factors that directly and indirectly raise the cost. The number and type of technology used in hospitals, clinics, and other medical institutions absolutely affect the rising cost in healthcare (Ferlie Shortell). The United States spares no expense when it comes to medical related issues and they utilize the best technology available to make sure their citizens are safe. According to one article, â€Å"TechnologyRead MoreMarketing Mix 4711 Words   |  19 Pagess dissonance by criticizing it. Jon Elster calls this pattern adaptive preference formation.[1] d)The Marketing Environment The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces outside of marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. The market environment consists of both the macroenvironment and the microenvironment. The micro-environment This environment influences the organization directlyRead MoreA Report On Growth Of Japan From The Post War Period3626 Words   |  15 PagesA report on growth of Japan from the post war period to present This report explores the rapid growth in Japanese economy after the Second World War and how the growth would affect the Gross Domestic Product. The Solow Growth Model was used to explain the catching up theory on Japan’s economy and showed ways to recover the economy after the disaster in 2011. Background Japan is the second largest developed economy and the third biggest in the free market economy among the world. Facing the intenseRead MoreA Case Study On ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME At Sacred Heart Unit(St. Paul Hospital)12559 Words   |  51 Pagestreatable if diagnosed quickly. Acute coronary syndrome treatments vary, depending on your signs, symptoms and overall health condition. Symptoms Acute coronary syndrome symptoms are the same as those of a heart attack. And if acute coronary syndrome isn t treated quickly, a heart attack will occur. It s important to take acute coronary syndrome symptoms very seriously as this is a life-threatening condition. Call 911 or your local emergency number right away if you have these signs and symptoms and thinkRead MoreThe Field Of Organization Development9676 Words   |  39 Pageseverything we have is a gift and inheritance from nature and one that we are not guaranteed the end. What we have life, death, enjoyment of happiness, freedom, etc are gift. If we do not manage it well, its inevitable end is not guaranteed. So, we must learn to harness, ignite, re-ignite, protect, exploit, extend and preserve our heritage. It is every person responsibility to properly apply what he or she has in ways that maximize the best of its usefulness. And the field of OD is no exception. Read MoreLanguage of Advertising20371 Words   |  82 Page sIntroduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 Chapter I. What is an advertising, its definition?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 1. Advertising and the Modern World†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 2. Advertising all over the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 3. History†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 Chapter II. Types of advertising†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 1. Consumer advertising†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 2. Media of Consumer Advertising†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦16 Chapter III. Slogans, Logos, Types†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....18 1. What`s your tone?.............Read MoreRetail Store Design and Layout15254 Words   |  62 Pagesproviding top-notch service. Among other requirements I came to the conclusion that customers need an environment conducive to shopping. I decided to narrow down my focus on store design and layout as to focus on its effect on sales, the other main driving factor been visual merchandising. The store design incorporates Signage, Lighting, Taste, Smell, and .in short the store atmospherics creating ambience and the format in which the SKU’s will be placed. The movement consumers and the movement of LogisticsRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 PagesTo be able to develop effective brand strategies, it is useful to understand these pressures and barriers Different factors that make it difficult to build brands are shown in the figure above. The first, pressure to compete on price, directly affects the motivation to build brands. The second reason, the proliferation of competitors, reduces the positioning options available and makes implementation less effective. The third and fourth reasons, the fragmentation in media and markets and the involvementRead MoreScience and Technology13908 Words   |  56 Pages2009 Award Winning Essays Organized by Supported by T he Goi Peace Foundation U N ESC O Japan Airlines Foreword The International Essay Contest for Young People is one of the peace education programs organized by the Goi Peace Foundation. The annual contest, which started in the year 2000, is a UNESCO/Goi Peace Foundation joint program since 2007. The United Nations has designated 2001-2010 as the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of

Monday, December 23, 2019

World War Ii and Propaganda Posters - 1427 Words

World War II and Propaganda Posters Propaganda during World War II was escalated to perhaps the greatest heights in history. Propaganda is used to manipulate information to influence public opinion, rather than merely communicate the facts about something. The American government used propaganda posters to persuade people to conserve material needed by soldiers, to discourage gossip about information heard about the war effort, and to invest in war bonds. Other posters enforced the need for mass production of war materials and some were directed at women to become part of the workforce because of the depleting number of men left for combat. Firstly, war bonds were debt†¦show more content†¦The poster was a way the government persuaded desolate women to do exactly what they wanted. Although the poster portrayed a sense of mourning and anguish, it convinced the women to emerge from depression and strive for a sense of accomplishment. The fifth poster (refer to Figure 5) is a well-known poster of World War II. It is a picture of â€Å"Rosie the Riveter† (a fictional character the government created to help campaign to women wanted in the workforce) flexing her muscle with a serious look on her face. The posters read: â€Å"We Can Do It.† She was the ideal woman worker: loyal, patriotic, efficient, and pretty. Women responded well to the persuasion and found themselves being praised for their effort. Women were also warned that if they did not work a soldier would die, people would call them slackers, and was equivalent to men who avoided the draft. The poster portrayed a sense of pride and confidence. The sixth poster (refer to Figure 6) is not nearly as common as many of the others but was important nonetheless. It pictures four women in uniform and reads, â€Å"For your country’s sake today†¦.For our own sake tomorrow.† The poster informs women that fighting for their country will help the war effort and also help gain more rights for women. This was meant to get more women involved in the armed forces. They were encouraged by the idea that by aiding their country, they would also be aiding themselves, although no substantialShow MoreRelatedWorld War II Propaganda Poster: We Can Do It542 Words   |  2 Pagesand take care of the children. However, through the World War II propaganda poster exclaiming â€Å"We Can Do It!† featuring Rosie the Riveter, women were able to prove that they had the same abilities as men and began a revolution in the U.S. workforce. The poster was first introduced to the public by J. Howard Miller in 1942 for an ad agency that was commissioned by the Westinghouse Power Company. The poster was one of many other commissioned posters to aim at boosting morale amongst both women and menRead MoreWorld War II Propaganda Art648 Words   |  3 Pagessoldier in World War II fighting for the public’s opinions. This silent soldier is a term called Propaganda. Propaganda was the strongest weapon used in World War II. Propaganda art was one of the more predominantly used tactics. Propaganda had played an ample part in World War II because it motivated citizens to be in the spirit of war. In the war propaganda art was created like films or posters for example. These messages were used to convince all of the citizens that going into war was the bestRead MoreJosh Saskin. Accelerated Us History. February 13, 2017.1742 Words   |  7 PagesHistory February 13, 2017 The Effect of American Propaganda in World War II Following the United States’ entry into World War II and with national governments battling for the hearts and minds of the people, propaganda became an industry of war just as â€Å"important as producing bullets and planes.† In the words of Archibald MacLeish, assistant director of the Office of War Information and librarian of Congress, â€Å"The principal battleground of the war is not the South Pacific. It is not the Middle EastRead MoreThe Role the Media Played in Helping the United States Join World War II1142 Words   |  5 PagesThis investigation evaluates the significance of the role the media played in helping the United States join World War Two. To be specific, World War Two occurred between the years of 1939 to 1945. A brief synopsis of the developments of media outlets and their importance prior to the war will be investigated. Leaders of all the Allie Forces will be evaluated in this essay. The essay will focus primarily on the rise of media impact o n the citizens of the United States. The Soviet Union will be mentionedRead MorePropaganda During World War Two Essay1029 Words   |  5 PagesPropaganda During World War Two During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets, radio, television, and most importantly posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and mentally stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artists views on the war. They demonstrated the artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and reflected the way enemies were envisioned. Posters also show a nationsRead MoreJapanese Internment Camps During The World War II1572 Words   |  7 Pages During the second World War, the United States government produced and circulated several forms of propaganda with varying intentions. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, posters and leaflets dehumanizing the Japanese promoted racial and cultural hatred towards an entire country. Though the targets of American WWII propaganda varied, a major sentiment expressed throughout the war was a cultural and racial hatred toward Axis powers which emphasized stereotypes and harbored an unfounded hatredRead MoreThe War Of The World War II846 Words   |  4 Pageseffected the world is World War II. It is an event that will never be forgotten because of how many different countries were involved and how it affected the Jews as well. During the war, the United States started to put up posters to get people to join the army and there were other countries that convinced the people to invest money into the war. Without the propaganda and the use of artwork on posters and flyers that they used to influ ence people in the U.S. they may have never won the war. One of theRead MorePropaganda During The 20th Century And The Onset Of World War1741 Words   |  7 PagesPropaganda has always held sway over hearts and minds. Although the United States’ first large-scale wartime experience with propaganda in its semi-modern form of ‘yellow journalism’ took place during the Spanish-American War , primitive forms of it have existed since the days of â€Å"the tattoo-covered Caddo warrior, whose body attests to every victory, accomplishment, or god worshiped† and â€Å"Hannibal’s titanic war elephants advancing across the Italian plain.† Even â€Å"the ‘rebel yells’ of ConfederateRead MoreThe World War II Propaganda811 Words   |  4 PagesWorld War II Propaganda During World War II propaganda posters where used to influence many peoples value, beliefs and behavior. The use of propaganda had a huge impact on the allied and axis power during this time. Both enemy’s used posters to get support from there government and families back home. Creating these posters encouraged people to save their materials so that most of the weapons could be used during the war. Propaganda it was a smart way to get people to degrade the enemy. FurthermoreRead MorePropagand Propaganda And Propaganda1544 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape site from it† wrote Joseph Goebbel; a statement that Hitler strongly agreed with (Trueman). When Nazi Germany came to power in 1933, Goebbel was a master propagandist of the â€Å"Nazi regime and dictator of its cultural life for 12 years†. With Goebbles as a pr opaganda leader, Germany was able to develop an organized propaganda designed to to

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Administrative ethics Free Essays

The moral attributes that a person exercises in an administration office are such as honesty and devotion to a person’s duties; principles and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and words that the person uses is part of administrative ethics. Moral principles which a person should apply in administrative ethics specify the rights and duties that a person should respect especially when dealing with matters that seriously affect other individuals and the entire society. The principles also specify conditions that collective policies and practices should satisfy when dealing with individual persons or the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Administrative ethics or any similar topic only for you Order Now A person with morals of should ask whether the action performed serves everyone’s interest and whether it is accepted by all even those who were not aware of their particular circumstances. However it should not be specific to one person because this neglects the opinion of others which is vital and needs to be considered when dealing with people. (Thompson, 1985). Statistics show that America has over 250,000 rivers which occupy a space of 3.5miles of its land. Its largest river is the Mississippi river which at its mouth has a flow volume of 593,000 cubic feet per second. The longest river in America is river Missouri whose length is about 2,500 miles. Other rivers are such as Yukon, Rio Grande, St. Lawrence, Arkansas, Colorado, Atchafalaya, Ohio, Red, Brazos, Columbia   and Snake among others. Since the signing of declaration of independence for America, rapid building of dams in the rivers have taken place and currently statistics show that 600,000 miles of rivers in America have been used for dams which range between 60,000 to 80,000 in number. These figures amount to 17% percent of the nation’s river mileage. 95% of dams in the U.S. are owned by private companies or persons and they are regulated by the state dam safety agencies in the country. The dams provide many benefits both to the owners and the country and the people around the facility. Domestic water supply, flood protection, hydro electric power, industrial water supply, agriculture and recreation are some of the benefits that are derived from dam construction. On the other hand, dams can cause economic and societal risks such as floods, excessive leakage and internal erosion of the land beneath the dam. Dams can cause both positive and negative effects on the environmental, effects on wild life living in the rivers and the economy of a country. This therefore calls for careful construction to eliminate the negative effects. The persons who have the interest of dam construction should therefore ask themselves whether it is morally to go ahead and build it. They should be able to know whether their actions are right and whether they bring a good effect in the other person or not. Since the start of building of dams in America, the receivors have brought many effects on the environment; both positive and negative. On the positive side, dams have proofed to be very useful to the people as well as the country itself. The dams have been used for recreation, for controlling floods as well as for generation of power and job creation. (Macline Siccohio, 1999). There are several positive effects on the environment that result from construction of dam; the following are some of the benefits enjoyed by the environment and support dam construction. According to (Moignr, Feder Garbus, 1992), dam construction and holding of reservoirs have prevented sediments from moving down the stream or going to the shows of beaches on lakes and oceans. This makes the ocean shows and the river streams clean. Dams are able to control floods in their area of construction and thus reduce the dangers that are related to floods such as death of people and animals, loss of property and destruction of agricultural land. Drainage in the area and land improvement precautions are improved and this results to increase in soil productivity and consequently increased production of agricultural products. Dam construction reduce the pollution effect especially in the downstream because their storage reservoirs which reduce the pollution materials coming from upstream. People in the area benefit from electricity energy generated from the dams thus increasing productivity and general development in the area. Dam construction in and area brings an increase in number of transport means especially if there is waterway transport services. There is increased availability of drinking and domestic water in homesteads therefore people lead a more comfortable life. This means that people have access to safe drinking water within their reach and they are able to use the water for their dairy chores. Agricultural production is increased due to availability of irrigation water from the constructed dams in an area. Fishing activities also take place in the dams improving people’s lives as well as raising their living standards.   However negative effects are also experienced in the environment due to construction of dams. Dam construction leads to change of water flow which changes and interrupts most of the ecological processes of a river. Sediments of a river, nutrients, biota and energy of a river are interrupted by dam construction. The dams have also brought severe detrimental effects to the environment which includes loss of animals that live in water, soil erosion and loss of land. According to (Scott Smith, 2001), dam construction results to destruction of nature which changes water regime and as a result some detrimental effects may take place such as; unexpected floods and destruction of vegetation and nature structures which have formed on the river banks. Earth quakes can also be experienced around the area due to the large volume of water which is filled in the water receivers. This was experienced in America as a result of construction of Hoover dam, the area near the dam has now been depressed bringing serious environmental problem. Old dams have also collapsed due to the weight of the lake which has resulted to many deaths and floods in an area. . (Duflo Pande, 2007). Problems have also been experienced between two countries as a result of blockage of water due to a dam construction in one country and hindering flow of water of that river into the next country. Dam construction also results in increase in evaporation of water due to the increase in the water surface area. Change in climate is experienced due to changes in air moisture percentage, big scales of air movement and change of temperature due to the big mass of stagnant water in an area. Although these changes are not harmful to humans, they are experienced and can be noted in animals and plants which in turn bring secondary effects to humans. Floods experienced as a result of dam construction lead to loss of soil and water nutrients and therefore the agricultural activities in the area are affected greatly. (Shai, 2007). Increase in water borne diseases such as typhoid, typhus, fever, malaria and cholera may be experienced by humans due to the stagnant water caused by dam construction. Dam construction affects social, cultural and economic structures of people’s lives especially those who are forced to move out of their homesteads and settle in different areas so the dams cab be constructed. Apart from the environment, construction of dams also has effects on wild life that live in water masses. Fish, crocodiles, hippopotamus and other reptiles are affected both negatively and positively by the construction of dams. There are several positive effects experienced by the wildlife; Construction of dams on rivers have created a clean environment for egg laying fishes in the ocean and the river beds because holding of sediments by the dams has prevented the sediments from interfering with the zones where the fish and other animals lay their eggs. Construction of dams may also result to generation of new species in the water masses. This is due to the change in temperature of the water, change in salt concentration and change in oxygen distribution in water. (Scott Smith, 2001), Apart from the benefits drawn from dam construction by the animals, there are negative effects which actually outlay the positive effects. Constructions of dams on rivers hinder reproduction of migrating fishes due to the flood effect that destroy the egg beds where the animals initially laid their eggs. The egg bed is also destructed as a result of digging up of the bed and the varnishing works done on them. (Macline Siccohio, 1999). Dams hinder the normal passing ways of aquatic animals. This leads to reduction in population of aquatics especially fish due to lack of ovulation and feeding of animals especially those that are upstream. There is a likelihood of fish damage as they pass through the turbines, floodgates and pumps of the dams. Drainage of marshy waters and other water masses as the construction work goes on affects the animals living in them and they may also die. (Moignr, Feder Garbus, 1992), Water quality changes greatly due to drainage of irrigation water, this may lead to increase in salt density in the water and over transfer of food raising the emergence of water lichens and also change the living species which are in the water. Species may also change due to erosion caused by human activities and increased mud levels in the water due to the construction of the dams. Dam construction results to discharge of toxic materials in the water such as toxic metals and pesticides. This affects sensitive animals, changes their food chains and may also result to extinction of the animals due to death. (McCranes, 1978). The water at the bottom of a reservoir of a dam is usually very cold as compared to the normal water flowing in the rivers; the same water does not have enough oxygen and this puts a great risk to the animals which live downstream because they experience a different environment and they are likely to migrate or even die as a result. Dam construction in an area brings several economic changes which may be for the benefit of the country and the people living around or may lead to destruction of the economy. (Duflo Pande, 2007), examined dam effects in a country and concluded that the population of people living downstream benefit in a large way especially from the water from the dams and they don’t have to rely on rainfall for they crops; they are able to irrigate their land and therefore lead to increase agricultural productivity in the area. Their land in insulated from precipitation shortfall and increase their yields. Importance of dams in an economy is that it produces electricity at a constant rate which is used to develop the place by being in areas such as factories, schools, recreational areas and other areas that improve an economy of a place. Electricity from the dams is also economically viable because it can be shut down when not in use, the dams are also able to produce electricity for, and many years therefore they give a surety of power for economical use. Dam construction in an area is said to bring employment opportunities for the people who live in the area. Dams need a lot of human resource during its construction and after, casual workers, engineers and other important posts need to be filled to ensure that its construction and management is well carried out. Many people therefore are able to benefit from employment and this improves their living stands as well as their economy. There is increased trade in the area which improves the lives of the people living there. Small businesses thrive and therefore the economic level of the place as well as the people goes up and the living standards become better. Industrial development in the area speeds up, due to irrigation of crops and availability of hydro electric power. Food production becomes high and therefore the people are able to feed well and trade with other products. On the other hand, the economy may experience negative effects from dams; the negative effects of dams to the economy of an area are mostly experienced by the people living upstream, this is because their land and forests are destroyed particularly when the dams’ receivers are filled. Increase in salinity and excessive diffusion of land which is near the dam area, also damages production activities of the people living upstream due to this, it reduces agricultural products, they also suffer from rainfall reduction and rapid reduction of their yields. (Duflo Pande, 2007). Dam construction and especially Yosemite dam led to destruction of a national park which was known for its positive land use and instead the land was flooded so as to create a recreational around the dam. This shows that construction of dams results to loss of useful land which would have otherwise be very productive. Dam construction however is very expensive and it has to be built at a very high standard, this means that a lot of money is spent in the construction process and once the dam is finished, it takes many years for it to bring profits to the country. Dam construction brings loss of businesses and homes for people as a result suffer economic losses. Areas that flood due to the dam also cause people to move out of their lands and many of their crops and property is destroyed. (Kader, 2000). Dams bring recreational services to an area and these services improve the area in a positive way. Dam construction leads to attraction of both domestic and international tourists. Dams also provide water sports, pleasure activities as well as leisure especially from the dams that form behind the dams. Dam construction brings about many developments in an area. Social building such as hotels, clubs and restaurants thrive in the area and attracts many people from the area and also from outside the region. Schools, churches and hospitals also develop in the area thus creating better living standards for the people and bringing the area into life and making people become more active. New roads are also constructed as a result of dam construction in the area. This means that people are able to access the area well for recreation and other reasons. The political issues that arise as a result of building dams in American rivers determine whether the rivers are being managed or mismanaged, this is due to the fact that America and its citizens depends on the health of these rivers and the decisions which are made should go beyond dam building or dam removal into the society that depends on these rivers for survival. Policy makers in America are putting their effort in changing the management of the rivers in America by trying to remove dams which are built in them and simulating the seasonal flow of the rivers so as to restore the habitat; their work however has had an unstable degrees of success. (Workman, 2006). Many people who have dealt with dam politics like William Lowry described the efforts to restore rivers in America by looking at how rivers and public policy interact. He looked at the physical differences in rivers which affect the set policies as go further to analyzing political difference of the different people who use the rivers. Rivers should be restored by making sure that the water quality is restored, seasonal flows are back as well as the natural habitat such as fish, hippopotamus and crocodile are back into the rivers. He further seeks to whether the degree of restoration is affected by the existing political circumstances. (Workman, 2006). Dams and dam construction should be well managed to ensure that they are safe and prevent any detrimental effects on the living things and property which is around it. It should be put in mind that if a dam fails, it would bring floods to homes, businesses, and roads and destroy many other properties. A maintenance and repair program for dams should be set to ensure that dams are safe. This should include frequent checks on the dykes, water levels and the walls of then dam to ensure that they are safe and are able to hold the amount of water to as to avoid breakage of the wall which would lead to floods and property destruction.(Wehr, 2004). Emergency action plans should be put in place to take care of any hazards which may occur in the dams. Personnel shouldn’t always be ready to take care of any casualties which may be reported so that the destruction effect is reduced. A fully staffed group and safety program should be set so that they can come and carry out a periodic inspection on the dam to ensure that the dam is safe for people and the animals. The groups should approve designs for dam construction and carry out the construction inspection to ensure that it is up to standard. Reference: Duflo, Esther, Pande, R. (2007). Dams, 122(2): 601–46. Quarterly Journal of Economics How to cite Administrative ethics, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Academic Integrity in a Cultural Context free essay sample

To counter this, members of public and private sectors should be able to face the risks of corruption head on, by applying overall principles based on integrity and honesty. Universities are respected institutes Of colonization, laying foundations for major social constructions. With this comes responsibility for any output they produce, which should reflect positively on social renaissance. As such, it is imperative to educate all involved stakeholders in concepts of integrity, which should be embedded in moral culture, where everyone is committed to sound academic rule.Academic integrity consist of a long chain of interlinked values, if one breaks down, the full cycle may disrupt. Although this may have its repercussions both on and if campus, it also extends beyond that, including the educational externals. Therefore, academia should aim to grow away from cronyism and personal interest, applying principles that positively reflect on the whole To achieve academic integrity, faculty members must deal with their students as if they were long-term investments, deserving full attention and care. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic Integrity in a Cultural Context or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Behaving like this, teachers could invoke proper respect for their ethics, scientific integrity and honesty, representing the university with good practice and in a honorable manner. Raising students in honesty and (scientific) integrity will contribute positively to protection and promotion of other people?s rights and will enable a sense of responsibility towards that. At SABINA, we give great importance to integrity in all business, we consider a culture of responsibility which must work out throughout the whole.SABINA therefore has developed a Code of Ethics, which emphasizes on its commitment to integrity (SABINA 2014). This code provides guidelines for employee behavior, and confirms the support for core values, such as commitment to employees, standards for owing business, and relationships with involved stakeholders. SABINA embraces the laws of morality, every day, with every business dealing in any part of the world. SABINA performed campaigns to identify internal rules for behavior in all company sites.Also it annually campaigns to actively raise awareness and promote understanding of the Code of Ethics, including an internal portal for the education of employees. In conclusion, I think it is useful to consolidate integrity in educational environments. A charter for integrity in academics could describes the rights and duties of teachers and earners, which need to be implemented, preserved, protected and pledged to.

Friday, November 29, 2019

My Favorite Song free essay sample

I think these performances are the best of the conventional interpretations of these Symphonies. Became recorded Haydn Symphonies 93-98 in 1958, and Symphonies 99-104 in 1960, both with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra for MI. Beechs performances are marked (marred? ) by a number of omissions and idiosyncrasies, but he approaches these works in a fresh and lively way. If you do not want to follow the performance in a copy of the printed score, then I would recommend Beechs performances Including all of his blemishes!Nikolas Harcourt (of authentic performance fame) began recording Haydn Symphonies with the Concertgoers Orchestra of Amsterdam, starting in 1990. I admire the clarity of Haricots interpretation. For example, the fugue in the first movement of Symphony 98 (bars 132-209) Is more clearly played by Harcourt than by any other conductor that I have heard (Became, Dorado, Davis, Sell, Fischer). My only complaint with Harcourt concerns his choice of tempt: he takes the trio of the third movements slower than the minuet, he plays the Andante of Symphony 94 too fast, the first four measures of the first movement of symphony 98 are played aster than the second four, the minuet of Symphony 98 Is much too fast, there are unjustified pauses at measure 145 of the fourth movement of Symphony 94 and measure 90 of the third movement of symphony 98,. We will write a custom essay sample on My Favorite Song or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Nell Heydays Symphonies 92-104 are his best known, some of his early symphonies are Just as good.Symphony 30 (so-called Alleluias) and Symphony 31 (so-called Hormonal) are pretty. I particularly Like the recording by Mackerels of Symphonies 31 and 45 (Teller 80 156). Haydn wrote a large number of high-quality compositions, but many of them are known to most lovers of music. Perhaps for this reason recordings of Heydays music do not sell well, so there are not as many recordings to choose from. It Is a Callous, circular process. As one would expect from Heydays position In time, his orchestration Is more advanced than Bachs but simpler than Beethovens.Haydn seems more willing than Mozart to use chords that depart further from simple octaves, fifths, and thirds. Recommend Beechs performances including all of his blemishes! Movement of Symphony 98 (bars 132-209) is more clearly played by Harcourt than only complaint with Harcourt concerns his choice of tempt: he takes the trio of faster than the second four, the minuet of Symphony 98 is much too fast, there are Nile Heydays Symphonies 92-104 are his best known, some of his early symphonies Horrifying) are pretty.

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Mississippi River Experience essays

A Mississippi River Experience essays The exposed rock that you see along the Mississippi river is mainly sedimentary rock. The events that formed the area surrounding the Mississippi river tell a story about what has been there before. The igneous rocks that are present at the surface, and under the surface near the area of the Mississippi river were formed by areas deep below the surface of the earth which have liquid magma in them, the liquid magma comes to the surface when a volcanic eruption occurs. With the presence of Benotite on level C it shows that there was obvious some type of volcanic presence in this area otherwise, this type of rock would not be existent. There is also a possibility that a glacier brought this rock here in its travels. The softness of the volcanic ash shows us that it might not have been here for a long time, or it might be the outcome of a small eruption. Metaphoric rocks are also present in this area, and we found them on every level we encountered. These rocks were formed by the pressure being so great that they are transformed into that type of rock. Especially near areas where there is a vast amount of water you can find sedimentary rocks. Those rocks are made of soil, sand, dust, and organic material are deposited layer after later and pressed together to form rocks. The currants of oceans, or rivers, in this case move the rocks and reorganize them. The softness of the ground was a key indication that this used to be the sight of an ocean. The shores of oceans are generally softened over time by the currant and waves crashing into them. We also found various fossils on our outing to the Mississippi that led us to consider this being the area of an ocean because of the origin of these organisms. We found both Bryozoans and Brachiopods. Bryozoans or "moss animals," are aquatic organisms, living for the most part in colonies of interconnected individuals. Brachiopods were also found, which is completely miraculous. B...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Relationship between educational requirements and the impact the Research Paper

Relationship between educational requirements and the impact the requirements have on policing at the state and local levels - Research Paper Example This has been criticized, especially due to the fact that it leaves out minority ethnic groups who have a lower chance of being educated. The other main question that has to be answered is the question of whether the requirement of law enforcement officers to have a degree increases their efficacy and professionalism in executing their job of policing. The requirement for law enforcement officers to have a higher education is a topic that cannot be easily exhausted. Definitely, there are some advantages in having educated officers. To begin with, research and literature seems to indicate that college educated officers are more likely to be more productive and also be better able to handle difficult situations that need judgment and discretion. For instance, as Doerner (2007) says, policemen with a higher education are more likely to handle sensitive situations in a better way than those with only a high school education. Secondly, the need to professionalize the profession of policing requires that the people be required to take up higher education. The only problem with this is that they are not necessarily needed to take up courses related to their work. This then brings in a problem because the definition of a professional is that he or she must take an education that related to her service. It might be better to ask; is it necessary to need law enforcement officers to be educated, to professionalize the trade? If so, what is meant by professionalizing? The truth, is, even as there is some evidence that college educated law enforcement officers are able to be more effective in executing their duties, this does not necessarily solve the issue of improving the trade. Dunham (2001) argues that police attitudes may be changed for the better by and education. However, he argues this does not solve all the issues. Making law enforcement to be professional would be done better if there were college cour ses specifically

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Architecture in the Baroque period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Architecture in the Baroque period - Essay Example Since the origins of the Baroque period can be readily traced to the religious developments during the period, it is also possible to differentiate and isolate that various characteristics of the structures during this period from others. Baroque artists did not make use of lines so that the volumes of the structures they built appear massive and weighty; instead they designed the structures such that the spaces between objects in them seemed vast and infinite. They also placed their figures and forms in a diagonal form rather than in rows so that the viewer could become more involved in the art. In line with the same ideas, figures in composition were made such that there were no clear boundaries between them. Such and other similar practices were employed in order to emphasize emotion and heighten the mood. It was done so with a purpose of arousing religious emotion. All these effects were created in the two most popular structures during the period, namely the church and the palac e. During the Baroque period, artists began to use their own symbolism rather than conforming to the previously established rules of the Renaissance era. Thus, the Church symbolism that had been created by the previous era began to vanish and as a consequence the influence of the Church on artistic content and form decreased. In fact, the events that heavily influenced all the works of art during this period were those of the Reformation and the Counter Reformation. One of the guiding principles was to reduce the influence of the Church.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Allow Gay and lesbians to be married Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Allow Gay and lesbians to be married - Essay Example Based on this, gay and lesbian marriage should be allowed in the society. Same-sex marriages should be allowed in the society. However, those opposing this idea have come out with different facts to condemn the idea. Research shows that same sex marriage is beneficial to the society and the country legalizing same sex marriage. Lipp (2013) argues that same-sex marriage is beneficial to the US and the general population. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT, contributes economically, socially, politically and financially to American society. Discriminations of LGBT rights lowers the dignity of American people especially LGBT. However, giving them their rights such as legalizing same sex marriages establishes their worthiness and values as American people having equal rights like others (Lipp, 2013). Further, support of same sex marriages gives values and establishes minority groups that have suffered for a long time. Additionally, cases of stigmatization and homophobia are reduced and large population throughout the US and other parts of the world will relate well with LGBT. This is vital in reducing cases of discrimination against gays and lesbians. Discrimination against same sex marriage or rights that are enjoyed by same-sex persons affects individuals advocating and practicing same-sex marriage psychologically and socially. However, allowing same-sex couples to have rights the same way straight couples have assisted them in reducing cases of psychological effects and promote a healthy society (Lipp, 2013). The study shows that many same-sex couples in the US raise children. However, children raised by same sex couples have been disadvantaged because they do not enjoy the rights provided to them by the federal government just like benefits provided to families of straight couples. This affects children,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Metaphor Of Postmodernism In Blade Runner

A Metaphor Of Postmodernism In Blade Runner In the film Blade Runner directed by Ridley Scott, the film embodies many important characters aspects of the postmodern cultural period. The film is mostly about what it means to be human in a controlled technological advanced world, and the struggle between humans and replicants. Which are machines that are so much like humans you cant tell them apart, but it has a deeper meaning of a world in the future and you can see this with the many symbols laid out in the film. In the film, it always rains and the sun never shines and the streets are narrow and filthy. The film revisits the past, mimics it and holds it up to ridicule. The freedom that humans give up so easily to machines so willing is the actual danger in the modern society which leads to a post-modern. The postmodernism can be noted from the architectural layout of the film to the waste all over the ground that later leads importance and connects postmodernism to industrialism. Post-modernity is on its way to the future, but then seeks shelter in the past; Blade Runner has many boundaries between past and present. The audience is told the film is set in the future in 2019, but there still happens to be a lot of evidence of the past such as; the eighties clothes and haircuts, the language and the technology looks extremely outdated. Another indication of the past is that Rachel dresses in a 50s clothes and the soundtrack of the film does not follow the normal drama movie music. The reasons why there is evidence of the past are that Blade Runner is a film based in the future that is afraid of the future. Films that are portrayed like this usually are made to warn people about the dangers around the corner. In post-modern films they present the unpresentable and what was formerly thought of as unsuitable. Blade Runner pushes into the future where the unreal becomes real and not just a fantasy or a possibility. Cars fly, and scientist can even plant memories in to machines. These are two examples of the unreal being made real. These kinds of films portray that Postmodernism tends to place the most disturbing things into the everyday living of the characters. In the film Blade Runner the replicants escape on earth and are labelled extremely dangerous. They could be anywhere and they look like anyone. This can be seen as postmodernism being pussed into the future. The film Blade Runner uses many symbols to illuminate post modernity such as the films use of the owl. The owl is not just an owl it is described in three ways a woman, an artificial creature and a product. The role of women is explored with the three lead female roles in the film which are all replicants, an artificial creature. Women in this film are label as models of pleasure and represent that they are just products that can be bought or sold. It gives a whole new meaning to the term woman being characterized by an object. These three things represent a link to the past where postmodern reveals its break with the past. These three things are the unreal made real into one thing where lines of force intersect and these are the places where modernity is transferred into post modernity to the description of a woman. The film doesnt take place in a spaceship with friendly aliens; the film takes place in Los Angeles 2019 in a city full of industries and waste placed in the postmodern period. The future which the film is set in, does not realize their technological order, but they see it as the development of the present day state of the city and the later effects of capitalism. The city is not a modern city, but a postmodern city. It is not an orderly layout of skyscrapers with comfy interiors. The high-tech buildings with high populations are set alongside abandoned buildings and neighbourhoods in decay. Due to the crowding of immigrants the middle class moves to the suburbs or off world if they choose. With a large portion of its people from other countries the melting pot effect of the culture clearly takes place the city explodes with the different cultures making the architectural work imitate the style of many previous works. In the film they have buildings that resemble Egyptian temples, Ch ina, France, and many more. The city itself is a huge Chinatown that is a large market of underground networks in all the regions of the city. With the explosion of immigrants and the moving of the middle-class results in an intercultural first world and third world in the same place. The uniqueness of the architecture and cultures in the film are lost in the postmodernism. Going forward in the future but still in the past and the structures from the past are recollected and they attempt to create an aroma of the memory of history and of the past. Between postmodernism and late capitalism the films representation of this is the industrial decay, such as waste all over the city, rather the film creates an aroma of decay exposing the dark side of technology. It is the waste that the characters of the film constantly step in, and many of the buildings are left to disintegrate. The post-industrial decay is an acceleration of the overall time of the process of the industries. The postmodern visual of Blade Runner is the result of recycling and the system only works if there is waste produced. The disconnected temporality of the replicants and the pastiche city are all an effect of a postmodern, post-industrial condition: wearing out, waste. The continuous expulsion of waste is an indexing sign of the well- functioning apparatus: waste represents its production, movement, and development at increasing speed. Post-industrialism recycles; therefore it needs all the waste. A postmodern position exposes such logic, producing a visual of recycling. The artistic form exhibits the return of the waste. Consumerism, waste and recycling meet in fashion, the wearable art of late capitalism, a sign of postmodernism. Costumes in Blade Runner are designed according to this logic. There is even the increased speed of development and process produces the diminishing of distances. Things cease to function and life is over even if it has not ended. The post-industrial city is a city of ruins. Blade Runner has one main message: that the future is hopeless. It marks a new age by showing its own end. It is shown as industrial and dark, the raining weather and no sunshine which create a moody atmosphere. Technology has progressed so rapidly but, still manages to lack the new look. The postmodernism of this film is displayed throughout this whole film. It represents the chaos of what happens when the people rejected the modern period. It embodies the present pushing forward to the future as well as holding on to the past to create post-industrialism. The more technology we gain and control always has a bad side for everything.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Phobias and the Brain Essay -- Neurology Psychology Papers

Phobias and the Brain You are in an airport waiting for your plane to arrive. You've never flown before, and are more terrified than you can ever remember being. Everyone has told you the supposedly comforting statistics - "millions of planes take off each day and there's only a handful of crashes," "flying is safer than driving." You know rationally that there is no reason to be so scared, but regardless your heart is racing, your palms are sweating, and you're light-headed. Simply the thought of being up in the air, out of control, makes you feel faint. Finally the flight attendant announces that your plane has arrived. But as all the other passengers line up to get onboard, you grab your luggage and walk straight out of the airport, with every step feeling more and more relieved. What is this feeling of anxiousness? Why can't you get rid of it even though you consciously know that it is irrational? What is it caused by? How can it be prevented or lessened? What you experienced in the airport is a phobia. A phobia is the sensation of extreme fear "when it is not justified by the presence of any real danger or threat, or by any rational cause, and when it is accompanied by a systematic avoidance of the situations that lead to it." (1) A phobia is brought on by a specific stimulus or situation, for example, insects, heights, crowds, or the dentist. Presentation with the fear-inducing stimulus causes a severe anxiety response with very apparent and specific physical manifestations, such as a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, and sweating. Most individuals suffering from phobias are able to recognize that their fear is fundamentally irrational, yet nonetheless go through great lengths to avoid any contact with t... ... the Amygdala http://academic.uofs.edu/department/neuro/fear.html 8) Ledoux, Joseph. Fear and the Brain: Where Have We Been, and Where Are We Going? Society of Biological Psychiatry, 1998. 9)Personality Correlates to Memory Change http://web.uccs.edu/sstewart/Introduction.htm 10)The Link Between Phobias and Genetics http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro02/web3/www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/8014/317030.html 11)A Page of Various Treatments for Phobias www.sover.net:80/~schwcof/psycho.htm 12)General Information of Phobias http://allpsych.com/journal/phobias.html 13) Fumas, Tomas et.al. Common Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Social Phobia Treated With Citalopram or Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. Arch General Psychiatry. Vol. 59, 2002. 14)Terms relating to phobias http://www.ac.www.edu/~knecht/352_phobias.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gaddafi Essay

The person that I chose to represent Machiavelli’s ideas is Muammar Gaddafi. He is the longest serving head of state in the world next to Queen Elizabeth II. He is known for his controversial political strategy and his very unusual personality. Gaddafi is easily spotted in animal skins and colorful clothing. His name regularly pops up on lists of the worst dressed world leaders. Ronald Regan named him the â€Å"Mad Dog of the Middle East. † Muammar Gaddafi’s reputation ranges from a popular revolutionary to an international reject. Gaddafi graduated from the University of Libya then continued to pursue a British military education. While in Great Britain he began to devise a plan to overthrow the Libyan monarchy. In 1969, Libyan King Idris was overthrown by a small group of Gaddafi’s Junior military leaders. A year later, being inspired by Egyptian President Gamal Nasser, he decided to close US and British military bases and expel all Italians and Jews. While trying to enforce Islamic socialism, he banned alcoholic beverages and gambling and failed at trying to unite Libya with other countries. By the mid-1980s, he was widely regarded in the West as the principal financier of international terrorism. He was also accused by the United States of being responsible for direct control of the 1986 Berlin discotheque that killed three people and wounded more than 200, of whom a substantial number were U. S. servicemen. Gaddafi’s adopted daughter was killed in a bombing of Libya that was retaliation for the U. S. After that two Libyans were accused of placing a bomb on Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded and killed 270 people, Gaddafi refused to give up the suspects to America or Britain. Gaddafi finally admitted responsibility for the attack in 2003 and paid more than $2. 7 billion to the families of the victims, initiating the end of Libya’s international isolation. Now in Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Qualities ofa Prince† the very first paragraph talks about how everything dealing with the government is viewed through a military lens. Machiavelli doesn’t believe that the prince is a man who is skilled in many disciplines, but he believes that the prince should own a responsibility to make sure that whatever he governs is stable. Gaddafi took responsibility for Libya by creating his own form of government called Jamahiriya, in which the nation is governed by the masses or local councils and he defended his government by saying, â€Å"There is no state with a democracy except Libya n the whole planet. Machiavelli also raises the question whether it is better to be loved than to be feared. In the twelfth paragraph he states â€Å"†¦ l say that every prince must desire to be considered merciful and not cruel; nevertheless, he must take care not to misuse this mercy. † It is said that Gaddafi’s examples and though ts inspire the struggling troubled masses and haunts the ones doing the trouble. This is why he is loved by people of the world, but feared by the ruling cliques who know that his words and actions expose them for what they are.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Low Morale of Prisoners

The prison employees safety is in jeopardy. Prison positions always carried a moderate amount of risk. Prisons are filled with people who believe that rules and regulations serve no purpose. These people violated the rules to the extent that they were removed from society.   Prisoners never deny nor apologize for their behavior. Making excuses for uncivilized behavior allows the low morale to never be acknowledged. Refusing to acknowledge the low morale problem among prisoners stops solutions from being possible. Causes of the Low Morale Among Prisoners There are as many outside influences for the low morale of prisoners as their own beliefs and opinions.   Giving in to easily to persuasion, wanting to be accepted, wanting friends and associates are the factors that are least acknowledged. Psychiatrists analyze   behavior and characteristics by social skills. However, wanting to have friends and please people leaves an opening to be influenced into unacceptable behavior. Today, no one can be certain if associates are really friends or enemies. Some of the current studies are mental illnesses, malnutrition, isolation, guards behavior and lack of rehabilitation and psychiatric programs are causing prisoners to have a lower regard for human life. Psychological games the guards use to cause the inmates to lose their individuality and focus contribute to low morale.   The system is set up so the prisoners frame of mind never changes for the better. Segregation in Maximum Security Prisons In maximum security prisons, â€Å"The prisoners spend 23 hours a day in small well lit cells, for one hour a day they have access to one small concrete recreation area† (Bender, November 4, 2005, P 15).   According to the study from Psychiatric News, segregation worsens behavior. With conditions like these, the prisoners learn is if they survive another day, they are doing the right thing.   They lose all knowledge of social skills. The only mental health treatment they are allowed is a brief time with the psychotherapists. The counseling is conducted in front of other inmates cells. Lack of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is another problem in the prisons. â€Å"So far, one prisoner who repeatedly ends up in prison cost tax payers over $200,00† ( Imse, 2007).   The system does very little to correct the situation. The drug addicts cannot overcome the habit on their own. According to the Rocky Mountain News, the expenses of the medication and therapy is one of the reasons many prisoners do not get the proper treatment they need. According to the Human Rights Watch article, prisoners spent at least 23 hours during their daily activities along. The majority of damage to the prisoners is psychological. There is very little or no evidence of physical abuse. Mental humiliation and torture is impossible to prove. Conclusion Maximum security prisoners have a very low morale because of the psychological abuse they go through day after day. According to the latest research, isolation has the biggest impact on prisoner’s behavior. They are isolated, but are constantly watched. People in maximum security prisons are segregated because they have came across   secrets they were not supposed to. Bender, E, Psychiatric News (November 4, 2005), Volume 40, Number 21, P 15  © 2005 American Psychiatric Association Human Rights Watch (2000) HWR.ORG Imse, A, (Feb 16, 2007) Rocky Mountain News. Revolving Door to State Prisons Human Rights Watch, (February 2000) Vol. 12, No 1 G Out of Sight: Super-Maximum Security Confinement in the United States

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Desiree essays

Desiree essays "Dsire's Baby" is a story of love, prejudice and rejection, a story with noble beginnings that slowly turns to reveal an uglier side of human relations. Armand, a wealthy landowner of the plantation L'Abri in the ante-bellum south of Louisiana, is confronted by a family secret that has been hidden from him, even into adulthood. The secret is scandalous for its day, and its consequences run deep into the fabric of society. No one told Armand of this secret. He discovers it by chance at the end of the story, when he finds the remnants of an old letter written by his mother to his father, the significance of which, and its revelations, makes us focus on the many tragic and ironic decisions made by him during this story. In the old south, bloodlines are very important to the status of a family and their social placement, so the "purity" of the family must be kept. This "purity" does not accommodate marriages of mixed race. Knowing this, Armand marries an old friend who he had known since he was eight when he moved to Louisiana from France with his father after his mother had died. She was a girl of no distinction, who had no history or reputation of family name like that of Armand, but despite this he fell in love "as if struck by a pistol shot".(317). Others had warned Armand against marrying her, but he did not care for he was so swept away by her beauty. "He was reminded that she was nameless. What did it matter about a name when he could give her one of the oldest and proudest in Louisiana." (316). Tragedy comes early in the marriage with the birth of their first child. Although no one seemed to notice at first, by the time the child was three months old, neighbors and Armand himself noticed a change in the child. "When the baby was about three months old, Dsire awoke one day to the conviction that there was something in the air menacing her peace."(317). It turns out the baby is of m ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Eastern Religion - Jainism Research Paper

Contemporary Issues in Eastern Religion - Jainism - Research Paper Example 1). The core beliefs of Jainism focus on the existence of the soul for every living being, karmas, and the concept of non-violence, among others. These beliefs were deeply rooted in Indian traditions and belief in reincarnation and karma. As closely related to Hinduism, Marett indicated that â€Å"in many ways the Jain community has been influenced by the customs and traditions of the larger Hindu community. Jain influence on Hinduism must include non-violence and vegetarianism Mahatma Gandhi, as is well-known, was deeply influenced, particularly in his attitude to non-violence by the Jains† (n.d., par. 5). In contrast to the predominant religions of the West, like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Jainism’s interaction with them are manifested in ways of communal living. As opposed to Christianity and Islam, religions that believe in a supreme being, Judaism and Jainism, â€Å"is both a religion and a community, a close-knit community with a way of life and worship which keeps religion in a central place in society. Unlike Jainism the religion of Judaism centers around the worship of a single all-powerful creator God. The code of right and wrong is strict but Judaism pays less attention to life after death than almost any other religion† (Marett, n.d., par. 7). Likewise, as averred by Ahmad (2010), â€Å"through various  interactions in India, Jainism had an influence on Hinduism and Buddhism, and they share concepts such as the seeking of freedom from  worldly life and reincarnation of the soul. Some scholars suggest that Hinduism adopted vegetarianism through strong Jain influence across India† (par.6). In the modern world, Jainism’s influence could be exemplified by the practices of monks and nuns who believe in celibacy and adhering to austere lifestyle. By living in a community committed to peace and non-violence, the traditions of Jainism are manifested. Further, devotees of Jainism are known to be vegetarians

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Qs)I assume, for one thing, that there is a broad measure of agreement Essay

Qs)I assume, for one thing, that there is a broad measure of agreement that principles of justice should be chosen under certain conditions. (Rawls) Is it a f - Essay Example One of such greatly influential political philosophers of the twentieth century was John Rawls, who is thought by many to be the most important political philosopher of his time in the whole English-speaking world. More specifically, Rawls, influenced by such liberal and legal theorists as Isaiah Berlin and Herbert L. A. Hart, is widely known as the author of the almost revolutionary work "A Theory of Justice" (1971) in which he erased disciplinary lines and elaborated views which resurrected the academic interest to political philosophy. In fact, Rawls obtained the unique position among modern political philosophers as he is often referred to by politicians and in the courts. One of the main achievements of Rawls was his formulation of the two famous principles of justice as a proper solution of problems of distributive justice, which is preoccupied with determination of justice in the field of the allocation of goods and benefits within a society (Talisse, 2001, pp.3-22). However, there is a criticism of the approach of Rawls which, among other things, claims that Rawls cannot prove all the assumptions on which he builds his theory of justice. Let us take a closer look at the Rawls` principles of justice, and try to see whether the mentioned objection to Rawls constitutes a fatal one for his theory of justice. The main task of Rawls` "A Theory of Justice" was to offer a satisfying interpretation of the notion of political obligation under which citizens are compelled to follow the rules created by the state. While views of Rawls can be generally attributed to the rich social contract tradition, for him such a contract assumes a peculiar form as Rawls states that the social contract can be truly just if every member of society would agree with its terms without knowing beforehand which social position he or she would adopt. To prove his case, Rawls starts off his line of reasoning with mounting of a hypothetical case with which he attempts to show a possible

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology - Book Review Literature

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology - Book - Literature review Example Yet Barley doesn’t think that the anthropologists who are so respected for having lived among exotic cultures contribute very much to the body of knowledge of anthropological study. Barley comes off as being against the idea of fieldwork from the start, and paints it as something that is unduly revered and not tremendously useful for modern anthropological study. He then explains that despite these misgivings, he did what was expected of him and went into the field to do his own direct observation of a little known culture. He gives a harrowing and often hilarious account of his trials and tribulations, first of his attempts to get his course of study approved, then his attempts to get into Cameroon and deal with the odd practices of African bureaucracy, and then of his time living with the Dowayo people. This book gives the anthropological account of the Dowayo people that Barley was expected to collect during his stay with them in Cameroon, but it also serves as a cautionary tale about giving undue reverence to anthropological fieldwork. Most importantly, it gives a realistic and funny look at what anthropologists who are just starting out in the field can expect, or rather a warning about all the things that they can never expect. It is especially of interest to anthropology students and working anthropologists, but it is also a great read for practically anyone, whether they are people who are interested in anthropology, people who want to learn about tribal cultures from around the world, or just people who enjoy a good comedy. The best part of The Innocent Anthropologist is the sharp and witty writing style. It serves as both a contribution to academic knowledge and as a biting satire of certain academic practices at the same time. Barley draws the readers in and brings us along for the ride. Through his sharp eyes we see the hilarious absurdities and strange ironies he encounters in his quest to become a ‘real’ anthropologist. The boo k also paints a fascinating picture of the Dowayo people. Through Barley’s eyes we get to take a look at a unique culture, with very different ideas about the most basic parts of language and life. It practically boggles the mind to see how differently the Dowayo think about things our culture takes for granted, like hypothetical questions. It serves to teach us that our way of thinking is not the only way of thinking, and that even ideas that we think are so simple as to be a given are not necessarily universal. The only weaknesses I could see in the book were that Barley didn’t only joke about not liking fieldwork; he genuinely seemed to detest it, and always seemed somewhat contemptuous of the people he lived with and observed for so long. While the picture he painted of the Dowayo was fascinating, the author’s tone always hinted at condescension and superiority. I was expecting a revelation at some point that he saw redeeming qualities in the people, but tha t moment never really came to any satisfactory degree. As a reader I was more interested in the Dowayo people than the writer ever seemed to be. He tells of times when hearing their explanations for things like illnesses â€Å"annoyed [him] beyond all measure† (Barley 1980:114). The author does his best to paint a picture of a love/hate relationship, and wants to do his best to get into the work the way that he is supposed to, but it is clear that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Franklin Pierce Essay Example for Free

Franklin Pierce Essay Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th President of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857, an American politician and lawyer. To date, he is the only President from New Hampshire. Pierce was a Democrat and a doughface (a Northerner with Southern sympathies) who served in the U. S. House of Representatives and Senate. Later, Pierce took part in the Mexican-American War and became a brigadier general. His private law practice in his home state, New Hampshire, was so successful that he was offered several important positions, which he turned down. Later, he was nominated for president as a dark horse candidate on the 49th ballot at the 1852 Democratic National Convention. In the presidential election, Pierce and his running mate William R. King won by a landslide in the Electoral College, defeating the Whig Party ticket of Winfield Scott and William A. Graham by a 50% to 44% margin in the popular vote and 254 to 42 in the electoral vote. According to historian David Potter, Pierce was sometimes referred to as Baby Pierce, apparently referring to both his youthful appearance and his being the youngest president to take office to that point (although he was, in reality, only a year younger than James K. Polk when he took office). Pierce attended school at Hillsborough Center and moved to the Hancock Academy in Hancock at the age of 11; he was transferred to Francestown Academy in the spring of 1820. In fall 1820, he entered Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he participated in literary, political, and debating clubs. There he met writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, with whom he formed a lasting friendship, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. He also met Calvin E. Stowe, Seargent S. Prentiss, and his future political rival, John P. Hale, when he joined the Athenian Society, a group of students with progressive political leanings. In his second year of college his grades were the lowest of his class, but he worked to improve them and upon graduation in 1824 ranked third among his classmates. In 1826 he entered a law school in Northampton, Massachusetts, studying under Governor Levi Woodbury, and later Judges Samuel Howe and Edmund Parker, in Amherst, New Hampshire. He was admitted to the bar and began a law practice in Concord, New Hampshire in 1827. Pierce served as President from March 4, 1853, to March 4, 1857. He began his presidency in a state of grief and nervous exhaustion. Two months before, on January 6, 1853, the President-elects family had boarded a train in Boston and shortly thereafter were trapped in their derailed car when it rolled down an embankment near Andover, Massachusetts. Pierce and his wife survived, merely shaken up, but saw their 11-year-old son Benjamin crushed to death. Jane Pierce viewed the train accident as a divine punishment for her husbands pursuit and acceptance of high office. Pierce chose to affirm his oath of office rather than swear it, becoming the first president to do so; he placed his hand on a law book rather than on a Bible while doing so. He was also the first president to recite his inaugural address from memory. In it Pierce hailed an era of peace and prosperity at home and urged a vigorous assertion of US interests in its foreign relations. The policy of my Administration, said the new president, will not be deterred by any timid forebodings of evil from expansion. Indeed, it is not to be disguised that our attitude as a nation and our position on the globe render the acquisition of certain possessions not within our jurisdiction eminently important for our protection. The nation was enjoying a period of economic growth and relative tranquility. The Compromise of 1850 seemed to have calmed the storm about the issue of slavery. When the issue flamed up early in his administration, though, Pierce did little to cool the passions it aroused, and sectional fissures reopened. The greatest challenge to the countrys equilibrium during the Pierce administration, though, was the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and reopened the question of slavery in the West. This measure, sponsored by Senator Stephen A. Douglas, had its origins in the drive to facilitate the completion of a transcontinental railroad with a link from Chicago, Illinois to California through Nebraska.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The effect of exercise on blood pressure

The effect of exercise on blood pressure Introduction: The Cardiopulmonary System is the system in the body that is responsible for collecting and distributing oxygen to all parts of the body for use in cellular respiration and is also for removing the waste carbon dioxide that the body produces after burning the oxygen. This system is comprised of the respiratory and circulatory systems which include the heart, lungs, veins, arteries, and capillaries. The respiratory system is what collects the oxygen from the outside environment and expels CO2 through breathing. When someone breaths they inhale oxygen into their lungs and exhale CO2 out of their lungs. The circulatory system is the organ system that transports the bodys blood throughout itself. The blood carries important materials like oxygen and carbon dioxide to every inch of the body. The heart is a muscle about the size of a clenched fist and weighs approximately 10.5 ounces (Science Clarified 2010). It is the control center of the circulatory system and moves the blood to the lun gs and the other parts of the body through contracting and relaxing itself in a rhythm that keeps blood constantly traveling in the body. The way the cardiopulmonary system works is the heart is always pumping blood through its 4 chambers (right and left atrium and ventricles) and out through arteries out to the body. The right atrium and right ventricle pumps CO2 rich and O2 poor blood to the lungs, where thinner blood vessels called capillaries absorb oxygen from the lungs and releases its CO2 into the lungs. The oxygen rich blood returns to the heart through veins into the left atrium and then the left ventricle. The oxygen rich blood is then pumped out into more arteries that take the blood to other organs and parts of the body. The oxygen is released into the cells through thin capillaries again, and then return as oxygen poor and carbon dioxide rich blood returns to the heart. The functions of the cardiopulmonary system can be measured by taking a humans heart rate and blood pressure. The heart rate or pulse is how many times a humans heart beats per minute. The heartbeat can be measured only through arteries, because when the heart contracts, the forced blood causes pressure that can be felt in the arteries, known as arterial pressure. Veins traveling back to the heart have much thinner walls and therefore dont have enough pressure from the heart pumping to be used to measure pulse. The pressure within veins is affected by conditions outside the vessels themselves, such as contraction of surrounding skeletal muscles (Weedman and Sokoloski 2009). Blood pressure is taken by measuring a persons diastolic pressure and systolic pressure. The diastole is the period of the hearts pumping cycle when the atria and ventricles fill and the heart relaxes. The systole is when the heart contracts and forces the blood out of the heart. The total elapsed time for a compl ete cycle of both the atria and the ventricles is 0.8 second (Fredrick and Pauline 1987). In this lab, the question for the experiment was how exercises will affect your blood pressure and pulse. The hypothesis tested was walking up or down four flights of stairs will increase blood pressure and pulse, unlike the null hypothesis that blood pressure and pulse after walking up or down the stairs will not be affected. We hypothesized that blood pressure and pulse will increase because walking up or down stairs requires more energy than a body at rest. This exercise requires the heart pump blood faster in order to supply more oxygen to the body to provide the energy to walk up and down the stairs. The importance and relevance of this experiment is that someone who is unhealthy and prone to a heart attack may be at risk of suffering an attack while walking up flights of stairs if it raises blood pressure and heart rate. Methods and Materials: The experiment was done in a building with four flights of stairs, with 24 participants from our class separated into groups of two. The two partners had a sphygmomanometer that measured blood pressure and pulse, and a pencil and paper to record pulse and blood pressure. The heart rate and blood pressure was tested for walking up and down the stairs by making partner one walk up four flights as partner two waited at the top of the stairs. When partner one reached the top, partner two was there too measure partner ones heart rate and blood pressure using the sphygmomanometer. The inflatable cuff on the device was attached to the partners upper arm and inflated. The cuff was then deflated as the sphygmomanometer analyzed the blood pressure and pulse from the partners artery running down their arm. Partner two measured the blood pressure and pulse once after partner one reached the top of the stairs, then again after two minutes passed, and after four minutes passed. The same process wa s taken for the other partner walking down the stairs. The independent variable was the subject either walking up or down the stairs. The dependent variable was each partners heart rate and blood pressure. After the experiment, we gathered the data from everyone in the class and averaged their results and compiled the data into tables and graphs for interpretation. Results: The results from the participants of the experiment were that on average, after each partner did their exercise, their blood pressure and heart rate increased. Comparing walking up the flights of stairs to walking down however, our results showed that walking up stairs increased blood pressure and pulse more than walking down the stairs. Our classs averages are compiled in the data table below. The data from the table is also displayed on graphs to show the trend of blood pressure and pulse. T-tests were done on the data from the basal reading to 0 minutes after walking up or down the stairs and from 0 minutes after to 4 minutes after walking up or down the stairs. The t-tests show the probability that the results from walking up or down starts are based on chance, or if there is significance to the results. If the P value of each t-test is greater than .05 then the results are based on chance and are insignificant. Data Table: Pulse (bpm) Down Up Basal 71.5 67.7 0 min post 72.6 88.6 2 min post 73.6 67.2 4 min post 73.9 70.3 Systolic BP (mm Hg) Basal 113.3 119.3 0 min post 121 141 2 min post 119 122 4 min post 112 123 Diastolic Bp (mm Hg) Basal 71.3 71 0 min post 76 91 2 min post 77 81 4 min post 78 78 T-Tests: T-Test T-Test Down T-Test Up Pulse Rate Basal- 0 Min. 0.646774259 0.021762917 0 Min. 4 Min. 0.628728428 0.032305937 Systolic Blood Pressure Basal- 0 Min. 0.04246026 0.002469184 0 Min. 4 Min. 0.017651827 0.000671518 Diastolic Blood Pressure Basal- 0 Min. 0.074034579 0.000739125 0 Min. 4 Min. 0.567643162 0.001016322 Graphs: According to the averages in blood pressure and pulse, the graph and data tables show that walking up stairs increases the blood pressure and pulse more than walking down the stairs. The T-test for each measurement says that in the majority of the data Discussion: Before the experiment, I hypothesized that when someone walks up or down the stairs, it would increase the persons blood pressure and pulse. The experiment results instead only supported the hypothesis that walking up the stairs increases blood pressure and pulse, but the data and t-tests showed for walking down stairs showed that it wasnt a significant increase. My hypothesis wasnt fully correct and a more appropriate hypothesis would have been that walking up the four flights of stairs would increase blood pressure and pulse more than walking down the same amount of stairs. This is because while walking upstairs the body has to work against the force of gravity which is more energy consuming than walking down stairs. This explains our results that after walking up the stairs, the subject tested had a higher blood pressure (141/91) and pulse (89) than the subject who walked down the stairs (BP 121/76 Pulse 72). The heart had to pump faster and with more force going up the stairs to move oxygen faster to the parts of the body and thus raised the bodys blood pressure and pulse. Some errors that manipulated the results were the two being tested had different features like height, weight, shape, and health. These differences would lead to different results because someone that is in better physical condition would not have as high a blood pressure and pulse than someone who isnt as fit. This is because their heart is stronger and doesnt need to work as hard to supply the body with the right amount of oxygen. The entire class also had a range of body types all in different physical shape that also could have affected results. Also the partner who walked down the stairs did not get measured on time for the 2 minute and 4 minute measurements and the sphygmomanometer didnt always properly read the subjects blood pressure and pulse properly. If this experiment was to be repeated it would be better if only one person walked up and down the stairs, and that there was a control measurement of the persons pulse and blood pressure before they walk up the stairs and are at rest. Cited Literature: Cornett D. Frederick, Gratz Pauline. 1987. Modern Human Physiology. United States: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Publishers. p 337. Science Clarified, Circulatory System, http://www.scienceclarified.com/Ci-Co/Circulatory-System.html, Sept. 7, 2010. Weedman, Sokoloski. 2009, Biology of Organisms A Laboratory Manual for LIFE 103. Mason OH: Cengage Learning. p 176.

Friday, October 25, 2019

New York State Accounting Code of Ethics Essay -- essays research pape

New York State Accounting Code of Ethics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The accounting system is constantly changing. During these changes, it is important for accountants to adhere to the high ethical standards that they have always lived by. Adhering to the high ethical standards is an accountant's obligation to the public, the profession, and themselves. An accountant's ethical conduct usually lies within four different areas. This includes competence, confidentiality, integrity, and objectivity. NYSSCPA.ORG states, "Members also have a continuing responsibility to cooperate with each other to improve the art of accounting, maintain the public's confidence, and carry out the professions special responsibilities for self-governance," (Article 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York State expects its accountants to act in a way that will serve the public interest. The public includes clients, credit grantors, governments, employers, investors, the business and financial community, and any other person that relies on the information provided by the accountant. It is the accountant's responsibility to maintain an appropriate level of professional competence through continuing education of their knowledge and skills. New York State also expects its accountants to perform their duties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as providing clear and complete reports.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is important for accountants to maintain their integrity. Often times, accountants are faced with situations that are questionable. ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Parents Magazine Analysis

For this rough draft, you are to post ONLY your statement about the target audience, NOT the complete paper. Follow the National Geographic example below for writing your thesis. This assignment is excellent for learning how to conduct good research. The Magazine Analysis (rev. 12/2009) ASSIGNMENT: To write an ANALYSIS of a currently published magazine. Through careful observation, form a SPECIFIC conclusion about the audience for which the magazine is intended. In addition to identifying the intended audience, state the major purpose of the magazine. After you have examined the magazine, form a thesis and write a 750-word essay based on your conclusions. Here is a sample thesis for National Geographic magazine: National Geographic, with a target market of 25 to 54- year- old college attendees and graduate males with a median household income of $98,900, promotes scientific and geographic knowledge and interest, with outstanding photography being its strongest selling point. (I found this information through research). Suggestions: Choose THREE CONSECUTIVE issues of a magazine published in the last year. †¢ Look at such things as the titles of the articles, the quality of the paper, the cartoons or illustrations, advertisements, issue cost, and letters to the editor. †¢ Are you familiar with any of the authors? †¢ Selectively read the articles, looking for consistent patterns of thought, ideas, or general outlook. †¢ Some of the purposes of a magazine can be to promote a political or moral purpose, to inform, t o sell products, and to entertain. Based on the above suggestions, form a conclusion about the audience and purpose for the magazine. †¢ Be sure you are not just listing the contents of the magazine, but that you are using the contents as the basis and PROOF for your claims about the targeted audience and purpose of the magazine. For example, if you tell me that 90% of the articles are about politics and contain mainly liberal views, your claim could be that the large majority of readers are left-wing liberals and the magazine’s purpose is to support/promote their views. Then you could say, â€Å"On page 22 there is an article supporting gun control, on page 34 there is an essay about legalizing marijuana, on page 45 there is an essay about†¦.. † Use the information to SUPPORT YOUR CLAIMS about the intended audience and the purpose of the magazine. Goals: †¢ To learn to use the periodical section of the library. †¢ To practice forming an essay from researching outside material. †¢ To draw conclusions from Primary sources. To make claims and SUPPORT your claims with valid, reliable information. †¢ To practice using MLA when citing information in-text and creating a Works Cited page. (You must use in-text citations and include a properly formatted Works Cited page. Include at least the three magazine issues you used for your paper on the Works Cited page. See Pocket Keys for Writers, the Gregg Reference Manual, or a grammar book for MLA rules).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

High Tech Offenders

Cyber crimes Thesis: Cybercrime, hacking, blackmailing, fraud, piracy, cyber bullying, this are some types of crimes th at come to mind when we hear technology and crime. Every day we use technology as a part of our daily living. We are surrounded by technology we depend on technology. But this has also o pen new door for criminal to conduct their crimes. This also makes us vulnerable to those who have mater it. Microsoft piracy case 25 men were arrested and 11 where proven guilty in the national copy right Microsoft counter eiting ring.The fraudulent Microsoft cds and DVDs where sold online and where shipped from c hina to anywhere in the united stated and to Europe. The imitation Microsoft software was valu ed at 500 million dollars. Differential association theory states that criminal actions are a result of the friendships of or companionship with others. Differential association theory explained th at a person could not commit a crime without first being trained. Without prior i nfluence, is inc apable of inventing criminal behavior. ) techniques of committing the crime, which are someti mes very complicated, sometimes very simple; (b) the specific direction of motives, drives, ratio nalizations, and attitudes Individuals become criminal due to repeated contacts with criminal activity and a lack of contact with noncriminal activity. I believe that this counterfeiting ring was built on friendships. The 25 men must have been friends of acquaintances at some point I do not believe they would hire people who did not know about their illegal actions. Social bond theory Roman meydbray 27 from San Jose.A former information technology manager of creative explosions pleads guilty to getting unauthorized access to a computer of his former employer. According to the court after two weeks of his termination he got access to the computer system and deleted an email server domain and accesses the email account of the president of creative explosion. He changed the mail s erver to reject every Incoming email causing them many losses. Social bonding theory states. The elements of social bonding include the families, commitment to social norms and institute like schools and employment and the beliefs that these are important.Social bond theory also states that is a bond is weakened or broken then unusual behavior from that Individual may occur. I believe that Roman Meybray felt betray wen creative explosion the company that he work for decided to let him go. This incident made Roman Meybrey who was a manager for creative explosions get back at them for been firing him. The bond that he had in the company was broken causing him to obtaining the unauthorized access to the employer’s computer. Learning theory Cyber bullying is when someone is harassed through the internet. Usually the victims or cyber bullying are youth.Usually to humiliate harm an individual because of information one might have through internet websites, text, chat rooms or other social networking sites. A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying Bully-related suicide can be connected to any type of bullying, including physical bullying, emotional bullying, cyber bullying, and sexting, or circulating suggestive or nude photos or messages about a person bullying can be racist, sexist, anti-religious. Anonymous postings, comments or pictures on social networking sites.Cyber bullying are actions of someone who is a coward since they can remain anonymous behind a screen name or fake profile. Amanda Todd was a young 7ht grade girl who made a huge mistake of flashing a man over the internet. Later the man stalked her and posted her pictures over the internet. After her class mates and other students at school also bullied her online and on social networking sites. After moving and switching schools several times she was still the victim of cyber bullying, until one day she committed suicide. Bullying is a be havior that is easily learned through observing.Students justify bullying behaviors by blaming the targets of their attacks. The bully somehow makes it seem as if the victim somehow deserve the bullying. This makes the bully seem powerful and knowledgeable. Since the bully is not punished others who are observing learn that this behavior is acceptable. People learn by observing others and want nothing more but to fit in. People are influenced by other values attitudes characteristics and behaviors especially kids and young adults. Kids that are getting bullied usually don’t say anything because they fear the parents will take away their laptops of cell phone.Since cyber bullies can remain anonymous they do not fear any reprucations so they continue to bully their victim. Conclusion. It comes to show that cybercrime are committed every day. From people getting hacked and getting all there info stolen. To people pirating movie cds DVD and selling g them for much lower price. Hu rting bigger companies. Also having cyber bullies hurting people’s feelings and put them out on the public to suffer humiliation. This makes the victim to find other mean of putting a stop to it. And possibly committing suicide. This people don’t think of other am d the pain and damage they cause .

Agamemnon, the Greek King of the Trojan War

Agamemnon, the Greek King of the Trojan War Agamemnon (pronounced a-ga-mem-non), was the leading king of the Greek forces in the Trojan War. He became king of Mycenae by driving out his uncle, Thyestes, with the help of King Tyndareus of Sparta. Agamemnon was a son of Atreus, the husband of Clytemnestra (a daughter of Tyndareus), and the brother of Menelaus, who was the husband of Helen of Troy (Clytemnestras sister). Agamemnon and the Greek Expedition When Helen was abducted by the Trojan prince Paris, Agamemnon led the Greek expedition to Troy to take back his brothers wife. In order for the Greek fleet to set sail from Aulis, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to the goddess Artemis. Clytemnestra Seeks Revenge When Agamemnon returned from Troy, he wasnt alone. He brought with him another woman as a concubine, the prophetess Cassandra, who was famous for not having her prophecies believed. This was at least a third strike for Agamemnon as far as Clytemnestra was concerned. His first strike had been killing Clytemnestras first husband, the grandson of Tantalus, in order to marry her. His second strike was killing their daughter Iphigenia, and his third strike was flagrant disregard shown for Clytemnestra by parading another woman in her home. No matter that Clytemnestra had another man. Clytemnestra and her lover (Agamemnons cousin), killed Agamemnon. Agamemnons son Orestes took revenge by killing Clytemnestra, his mother. The Furies (or Erinyes) took vengeance on Orestes, but in the end, Orestes was vindicated because Athena judged that killing his mother was less heinous that killing his father.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Last Hurrah essays

Last Hurrah essays Edwin O'Connor's novel The Last Hurrah presents an effective view of the difficult and complex life of the Irish-American community in Boston of the 1950's. The author uses a number of characterizations to produce themes that relate to the political and social considerations of this era. He also provides most of the accounts in his novel from a single perspective, that of Frank Skeffington. He is the main character. This character in particular enables O'Connor to present the topic with some accuracy while continuing to create a fictional account of the time frame. This was his goal, to provide truth inside a fictional story. O'Connor talks directly about and gives great consideration in the system of criminal activity. He feels it directly corresponds with the political structure in the community. The author develops his novel around Skeffington, but also around the characterization of James Michael Curley, the forceful and corrupt political force in the community in Boston. These two characters seem to be greatly different, but they also have some likeness to each other. This novel portrays the complexity of the corruption within this community and the political structure. He also demonstrates the support for this type of institution and its importance within the community itself. There is particular consideration given to the political climate in this story. It is incorporated with social and ethnic concerns that are prevalent. The story also addresses prejudice and the theme of ethnic stereotyping through his character development. O'Connor does not present a work that is riddled with Irish slurs or ethnic approximations. Instead, he attempts to provide an account that is both informative and accurate. One important theme that is developed through the characterization of Skeffington is the great importance he has of the historical perspective on the current life of the Irish immigrant community. While O'Connor uses ...